Hooves and Beak, Monster (EP)

Recorded in 2019, Self-release, 2022. The solo project of multi-instrumentalist Whitney Flinn. Melanie Sehman, drums

Myrrum, Title TBD

Recorded in 2021, upcoming release. Melanie Sehman, vibraphone on “Clearview”

Myrrum on Bandcamp


Ken Thomson and Slow/Fast, It Would Be Easier If

Intuition Records, 2010. Melanie Sehman, glockenspiel on “Wanderangst”

Michael Udow, Footprints

Equilibrium Records, 2006. Melanie Sehman, percussion

George Walker, Lilacs - The Music of George Walker

Summit Records, 2000. Melanie Sehman, section percussion (orchestra)

